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Joined Listings: 253

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Total Owned: 7


Fan Stats

Total Fans: 121



Wordpress Star Trek: Voyager - Tom Paris Walking Dead - Daryl Dixon Joseph Gordon-Levitt Forever Knight Terry Pratchett The Addams Family M*A*S*H Nick Carter Stargate: SG1 - Daniel Jackson Blood Ties Stargate: SG1 - 02x17 Holiday Stargate: SG1 - 03x22/04x01 Nemsis/Small Victories Wicked The Animals of Farthing Wood Sir Ian McKellen Forever Knight - 02x23 Be My Valentine Angel - 05x18 Origin Star Trek: Enterprise - Porthos Eureka - John Carter Brad Dourif Liam Neeson Denzel Washington Star Trek: Enterprise Animaniacs Justin Long Angel - Lorne Star Trek: The Next Generation - Data Stephen King - It